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8 June 2023 - 9 June 2023
Bologna, Italy
Innovat&Match Brokerage Event 2023

Welcome to Innovat&Match Brokerage Event, at its 17th edition!

Innovat&Match is the matchmaking event of R2B - Research to Business, the International Exhibition of Research and High Skills

Thank you for your participation!

🙋‍♀️ 8 June: IN PRESENCE, onsite meetings in Bologna (14:00 to 17:30 CET)


Centro Servizi e Padiglione 21
P.zza Costituzione, 3 – Bologna

More info about the location

💻 9 June: ONLINE meetings (9:00 to 22:00 CET)

🤝 Meetings Booking until 6 June at 13:00 CET (Rome Time)

👉  Discover the Agenda

Meet Technology & Research partners for your business

Innovat&match is the quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in bilateral meetings, both ONLINE and IN PRESENCE, pre-arranged on this platform.

Past Edition

The 2022 event hosted 250+ virtual meetings between 150+ delegates from 36 Countries

Register and present yourself to others by creating your personalised profile and promoting your products, services, and project ideas on the Marketplace. Also look for skills, competencies and services you need.

Book 30 mins long meetings with other participants based on your availability, and get ready to make the most of this straightforward networking opportunity.

The event focuses on 3 main topics:




👉  Discover detailed event topics

    Innovat&match is organised by ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory in cooperation with the Emilia-Romagna Enterprise Europe Network partners of the SIMPLER ConsortiumCNA Emilia-Romagna, Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, PROMOS ITALIA – Camera di Commercio di Ravenna and Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna.

    👉 Discover the Emilia-Romagna Innovation Ecosystem 

    👉 Find out about Enterprise Europe Network's Support Services

    Closed since 6 June 2023
    BOLOGNAFIERE | Centro Servizi e Padiglione 21, P.zza Costituzione, 3 – Bologna
    Organised by
    Participants 234
    Meetings 156
    Italy 180
    Spain 15
    Taiwan 8
    Hungary 6
    Lithuania 4
    Romania 4
    Portugal 3
    Greece 3
    Israel 3
    Poland 3
    Germany 2
    France 2
    Malta 2
    United States 2
    Switzerland 2
    Belgium 1
    San Marino 1
    Total 241
    Company 108
    Start-up 44
    R&D Institution / Research Centre 24
    Cluster organisation 18
    University 17
    Other 14
    Public Authority / Government 7
    Innovation Promotion Agency 4
    Association 4
    Laboratory 2
    Total 242
    Profile views
    Before event 5632
    After event 330
    Total 5962